简介:The Unheard follows 20-year-old Chloe Grayden (Lachlan Watson), who after undergoing an experimental procedure to restore her damaged hearing, begins to suffer from auditory hallucinations seemingly related to the mysterious disappearance of her mother.
闻所未闻是一部在美国上映的导演的剧情片影视作品,影片的导演是Jeffrey A. Brown。The Unheard follows 20-year-old Chloe Grayden (Lachlan Watson), who after undergoing an experimental procedure to restore her damaged hearing, begins to suffer from auditory hallucinations seemingly related to the mysterious disappearance of her mother.,想要看更多由Lachlan Watson,米歇尔·希克斯 Michele Hicks,尼克·桑多主演的相关影视作品,请关注www.wlq.cc展开